The Robot from Fritz Lang's Metropolis
"Back when I was doing the initial concept artwork for Star Wars, George had photographs of the Metropolis robot, which he said he'd like C-3P0 to look like, except that I should make it a boy."
- Ralph McQuarrie

Star Wars producion painting by
Ralph McQuarrie
"When I was first auditioning for the role of C-3P0, I saw Ralph McQuarrie's
painting. I really related to that image.
I thought it was a beautiful picture and a beautiful character."
- Anthony Daniels
"I originally envisioned C-3P0 without all the joints and everything. It was more streamlined, a ballet-like figure, very elegant. I like
restrained elegance.
"If you look at my drawing, I never did solve the eyes.
I just had little holes drilled in this metal mask. When John Barry
was brought on as production designer, he and George and I had a little
meeting. I had brought some of my drawings and paintings, and John
was looking through them, and he looked at Threepio and immediately
made a little thumbnail sketch of Threepio's head with big round eyes.
It was perfect."
- Ralph McQuarrie
"The initial idea in
Phantom Menace was to give Threepio
an automotive-type substructure.
"George later thought this might be
a little too structured and wanted him disassembled even more."
- Doug Chiang
"He starts out as a droid. He ends up as a droid.
He has a very unhappy droid life inbetween."
- George Lucas
