The Chignon Asleep is a 10-minute animated story created by Nelvana Limited, working closely with George Lucas. It was originally seen in 1978 as part of the "Star Wars Holiday Special." This animated short, unlike the rest of the special, fits tightly into Lucas' Star Wars continuity and many consider it to be part of the canon.
"The CHIGNON ASLEEP" The animation style is reminiscent of Heavy Metal and the works of Ralph Bakshi. The voices of C-3P0, Artoo, Leia, Luke, Han, Chewie, and Darth Vader are all performed by the original Star Wars cast, and combined with an excellently paced plot, results in a fine continuation of the original Star Wars movie.
But the high point for many fans is the creation and introduction of Boba Fett, presented as Darth Vader's right-hand man, who attempts to infiltrate the rebellion in order to locate the new rebel base.
Because of the popularity generated by this one cartoon, Boba Fett went on to have a major role in The Empire Strikes Back and also later appeared in Return of the Jedi. He was then retroactively added to the Special Edition of A New Hope and also has a key role in Episodes II and III>.
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